Marketing myths and how they are damaging your event


We explore the most commonly held misconceptions regarding event marketing and provide some hard facts.

Marketing is too expensive
I have a website, so I am digital enough
I have a marketing department, I don’t need an external team

FACT: On average, only 40 additional delegates will cover the costs needed to pay for Kabloom’s  digital marketing. Our track record shows that we always cover costs and provide 10-20% growth – so digital pays for itself and you make a profit.

FACT: You have 0.5 seconds to get the attention of someone on your website. If your website does not have clear calls to action, you have lost a potential delegate. Without Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), no one will find your website when searching for an event to attend.

FACT: Kabloom supports your internal team by providing access to specialised services such as Pay Per Click and social media advertising. By utilising tried and tested e-commerce techniques, we grow conference attendance.

My audience isn’t on social media
My competitors are not into digital marketing, why should I be
My audience will keep attending

FACT: Your audience is spending an average of 6.5 hours on the internet per day, 35% of which is spent on social media. Facebook has 2.2 billion users, and the average age is 40! Your audience is waiting for you there and we can access them.

FACT: Potential delegates use digital and online platforms for finding conferences and congresses – Kabloom accesses them through e-commerce techniques, our global cookie pool and a strong e-mailer platform – our platform offers a 20-30% open rate which is well over the industry average.

FACT: As more conference options become available worldwide, the same people will not necessarily attend year on year. Kabloom increases the potential attendee pool exponentially, as well as retaining previous delegates.